Monday, August 30, 2010


Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite.
I have decided to follow the footsteps of the oh-so-many Youtube bloggers before me and stop blogging.
Truth be told, you all have bore me.
I've already achieved my goal; to post more posts than Youtube Yeti and to scare the shit out of you.
Now to the Golden Question: Who Am I?
Now rumors have swirled on who I am.
Roxanne, Serena, Jenny, Blair, YouTube Yeti, Secret Youtuber?
Well, I'm not any of them.
I didn't only blog about the Gossip Girl group. I also blogged about the Glee group.
And I was apart of their group.
My cousin was more involved than me. She didn't even know I was blogging about her friends.
After they stopped coming on, I resulted on focusing on you guys and only you guys.
I don't give a fuck if you guys hate on me or not. I don't even know you fuckers.
My account?
Have fun being Stalker free bitches.
You Know You Love Me.
Gossip Girl aka Traci.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Romeo & Juliet

Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite.

Seems like I have some competition.


She claims that I'm old news.


Well I'll be proving her wrong.


Starting off with the infamous love triangle: Serena/Dan/Sasha


As everyone already knows, Dan, Sasha, and Serena have been caught in the limelight before.


As in my old post, I wrote about the fact that Dan and Sasha were still crushing, but of course, Dan denied it and Serena believed him.


BIG Mistake, S.


They still touch, flirt, and love each other.


You may be asking: How the hell does GG know?


I know, because of them.


Before, Sasha and Jenny were playing a fun game of dares! As they dared each other over and over again, Jenny finally dared Sasha to kiss Dan.


You'd think she's say no, considering the fact that she is with Nate and wouldn't kiss another guy.


But she said she'd do it.


After kissing him, Jenny decided to dare Dan to kiss her.


He, of course, declined.


Now you'd think: Okay, whats the big deal? Sasha kissed him because of a dare.


The big deal is that, usually, people would drop the kiss and make fun of it.


Well Dan and SS decided to continue to talk about.


Something she said to him piqued my interest.


She said: I'm with Nate, I can't like you.


Can anyone guess the key word here?


If you guessed the word can't then slap your ass cause you guessed correctly!


She used can't instead of don't.


Using "can't" she is saying that she is not allowed to, but that doesn't stop her.


Juliet was told that she couldn't love Romeo, but that didn't stop her.


Now, S, you need to keep a better hold of your man!


You don't want this love story to end up like Romeo and Juliet's.


You Know You Love Me.




Gossip Girl

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite. Sightings:

Chuck Bass is back! (TheRealChuckBass)
Eric van der Woodsen is back! (EricVDWoodsenNY)
Paige getting married to Jacob Black!
Alice doing drugs.
Blair kissing Chuck.
Jenny kissing Tyson.
Nessa kissing Alice.
That's All!
You Know You Love Me!
Gossip Girl

Friday, August 20, 2010

Battle Of The Exes!

Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite. There's a new trend going around. Reunite with your ex and flirt with your ex. Nate and Blair did. Serena and Dan did. Blair and Carter did. And now it seems that Dan and Sasha may be doing that too!
So everyone knows about Dan and Serena, and how hey seem to be the perfect couple!
But things are rarely ever as they seem.
Recently, Sasha and Dan have been talking A LOT.
And they have been touching each other A LOT.
Hugging each other, poking each other, just touching each other every two-to-three comments!
I didn't know friends were always this....touchy.
And it even looks as if each other.
More then friends should like each other.
And it looks like Serena seems to notice.
Her mood being: Don't ask.
And her last thought yesterday being: Now I know how she felt...
Plus, Sasha has changed her crush from [x1] to [crushing].
Wonder what N will think of this! He comes back today and to find out that SS was flirting/crushing on Carter and now Dan!
And I wonder what S must be going through! Her boyfriend and the ex, crushing.
Now I get what she meant by "Now I know how she felt" since S and D were flirting a lot when SS and D were together.
You Know You Love Me.
Gossip Girl

Cheater Among Us

Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite.
Looks like we got a new cheater among us.
Nessie, one of the wannabes!
She is with JakeBlacksYTChannel.
But she slept with and told "I Love You" to WolfJacobBlack.
Cheating gives you on step forward into becoming an elite, Nessie!
After all, we all cheat at least once in our life.
That's All.
You Know You Love Me.
Gossip Girl

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Au Revoir

Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite. Au Revoir to our player, Carter.

He has left town today.....and most likely, is never coming back.

His reasons for leaving?

You can thank B and SS.

It appears that C loved both B and SS....but originally just using SS to get back on Little J.

But he ended up falling for her.

Tick, Tick, Tick, Carter.

You should know better than to fall for the person you were using.

Everyone seems to be devastated, SS, S, A, maybe even Little J.

SS the most. From the looks of it, SS seemed to of had a crush on C.

And maybe even S did too. She lost her half crush today. Am I the only one who noticed?

You Know You Love Me.


Gossip Girl

Friday, August 13, 2010

Gone Silent?

Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite.
What a surprise! Most of you guys are actually pretty stable in your juicy little lives. SS has been not cheating for once and is having a good relationship with N. B is still gone. J.A. has not been stirring up much with Little J.
The only gossip I have is with D, S, and C.
As we all know, all of D's past girlfriends have cheated on him.
And coincidentally, they have all cheated on him with Carter Baizen.
Now that D is with S, and is gone for a week, its the perfect time for C to make his move on S.
They have been spotted flirting for the past couple of days.
Poor Not-So-Lonely-Boy May Get Lonely Again.
Oh, and there's a new girl named Lakeline. Account? LakelinBennett
You Know You Love Me.
Gossip Girl

Old Habits

Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite.Looks like Little J is back to her old habits.
She's been crushing lately.
Changing her crushes from 2 to 2 1/4 to 2 again!
Her two?
Tyson GreenWood and Alex....I could care less what his last name is!
That's right. I said it. Tyson GreenWood is back.
Account? TysonGreenWoodHere
Her 1/4 crush? Jacob of course.
They were spotted.
Spotted: Little J kissing Jacob A.
But its not for real.
She is just trying to take her "Slut" spot on my blog back because she wants SS to be free of it.
That's All.
You Know You Love Me.
Gossip Girl

Monday, August 9, 2010


Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite. hey people!
It occurs to me that many of you tuning in don't live anywhere near this fine city and may not have had a chance to visit. Allow me to paint a more vivid picture of my modest little neighborhood, the sixty-karat diamond of Manhattan. Almost all of us live within the same twenty-block radius from East Sixty-eighth Street to East Eighty-eighth Street, from Fifth Avenue to Park Avenue. We see each other in the deli when we're buying cinnamon Trident and Parliaments. We sip cappuccinos together on the Met steps, we share platters of fries at Jackson Hole or cast sympathetic glares at our moms during brunch at Payard. So where do we go when we don't want our parents or friends' parents to see us? The park, of course, as in Central Park.
The guides on those scary-looking red double-decker tourist buses that tool around the city might try to tell you that New York City is full of parks, but or us there is only one. It might seem a bit odd that we frequent the park so much in our neatly pleated outfits and highly sought-after shoes, but it truly is our home away from home. The ducks in the reservoir know us by name. The homeless guys wink at us. The rocks have worn spots where we've sat for hours, baking in the sun. And since our parents would never dream of steeping out of their shiny black town cars to venture into the park and have no inkling that it would occur to us to go there, they have no idea what we do while we're sitting on those beloved rocks. Which is basically all the things we can't do at home. Of course, our parents are out late or are away half of the time, but we need somewhere to go to when they're home. Thank goodness for Sheep Meadow. Bethesda Fountain. The statue of Romeo and Juliet. The zoo. Our penthouses and town houses may be beautiful, and our country houses and beach houses even more so, but Central Park is the place we'll remember when we remember growing up.
Isa is now moving in with Dan and Jenny, along with Sasha. A has broken up with Jake Black, saying she cant change her feelings for another person, and she claims on her profile that she 'I miss him'. To me I think she's missing N. N is now dating SS. I knew my two whores were going to get together. Like I said, what whore can resist another whore? Though remember when he had a crush on B and only B? And he changed his crush to: 1 person. She makes me smile. But then after crushing on SS, he changed it to: Yess. Point blank saying he likes more than one person. Well after getting together with SS, he changed his status to taken, but left his crush saying the same thing: Yess. Either he still likes B, or he is crushing on someone else too, besides SS. What can you say? A whore is a whore. Not many girlfriends can change that. D leaving for a week, leaving S alone. Hopefully this time, his girlfriend won't cheat while he's gone. Little J still missing her ex Ty, and deleting comments. J.A. kissing a girl named Autumn Cullen. Account? AutumnCullenChannels But Jake is still single though. P is single again. Ch has deleted and Ca has been trying to 'change'. And there is a new girl in town. Name? Adrianna. Account? AdeTateDuncan.
You Know You Love Me.
Gossip Girl

Friday, August 6, 2010

What Whore Can Resist Another Whore?

Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite.

We learned in our eleventh-grade creative writing class that most great stories begin in one of the following fashions: someone mysteriously disappears, or a stranger comes to town.

The little story coming up first that I'm about to tell you is of the "someone disappears" variety.

Our story begins with two whores.

Our first whore, Nate Archibald, is back together with his former flame, Blair Waldorf.

You would assume that when someone gets together with someone else, they would stop flirting with others and stay faithful to their significant other. Well whores don't do that.

Our second whore is Sasha, The Slut.

She has been going from guy to guy in the GG group, having slutty feelings for each and every one of them.


And now she is trying to land our whore Nathaniel.

And what whore can resist another whore?

And since our Queen B is gone, N can flirt with whoever he wants to, with no worries at all. In fact, he is crushing on her as well, since he changed his crush from: 1 person, shs makes me smile; to : Yees.

But someones always watching you, N, you should know that.

And you should know better than to flirt with and crush on another whore when not only is B's best friend S still here, but also SS's best friend Little J is too.

And from the looks of it, they both don't approve of the situation.

So will this story end with a happy ending for Queen B and her not-so-white-knight?

Only time will tell.

You Know You Love Me.


Gossip Girl

Monday, August 2, 2010


Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite. Looks like we have a new couple everyone!

Serena van der Woodsen and Dan Humphrey are back together again.

Surprising right?

Though this devastated Dan's ex and one of Serena's closest friends, Sasha.

S declined Dan's love, saying that she knew Sasha still loved him.

Soon after though, SS told S that she's over him.

So S went to Lonely Boy and they reunited!

Too bad SS left YT shortly after.

But she came back last night, with a new account: SassySashaCullen

And Little J is now deciding to either move to Florida with her BFF, or stay in NYC, with eveyone else.

In other news, Vanessa Abrams is back form Haiti!

And she may be already crushing!

My guess on who? Dan Humphrey.

Why would I think that? Because he is the only guy she has really talked to since she came back.

I wonder...

What will Little J decided to do?

How much damage will V cause?

How long will S and Lonely Boy's relationship last for this time?

You Know You Love Me.


Gossip Girl

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite.


We've got some new wannanbe's in town!
Alice Cullen and Renesmee Cullen.
They have even already started calling each other R & A!
But you two should know, you don't start calling each other that until I call you that.
Alice, your nickname can remain A.
But Renesmee, you shall be called Nessie, not R.
R is not a nickname you'd call someone.

B has been having some boy problems.
Spotted: N kissing B, and B kissing back.
Spotted: B breaking up with Jake.
Spotted: A going out with Jake.
Spotted: A having a crush on N.
Spotted: N crushing on B.
Spotted: B telling S shes over guys.
Spotted: Nessie kissing Carter, Lonely Boy, and N.
That's All.
You Know You Love Me.
Gossip Girl

SS Been Busy

Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite.
Sasha Cullen has been a busy girl recently!
Spotted: Sasha Cullen going out with Chuck Bass.
Spotted: SS and Dan admitting they still love each other.
Spotted: Sasha Cullen going out with Jacob Black.
Spotted: SS and Jacob Black breaking up.
Now SS is single pringle.
Is she turning into a little whore now, like her BFF?
You Know You Love Me.
Gossip Girl

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite.
Nate Archibald has left YT!
That's right, he's left again!
But don't worry, there's already a new Nate.
His username? TheRealNateArchibald.
Oh, and one more person has gone YT.
The Bitch, Georgina Sparks is back.
Her username? GeorginaSparkss.
Wonder what drama these two new Youtubers will stir up.
You Know You Love Me.
Gossip Girl

Monday, July 26, 2010

Moving On?

Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite.
Everyone in the Gossip Girl clique seems to follow the show one way or another.
B & S went to Paris together for a while in the begging of the Summer.
Jenny left.
N and S got together.
S kissed another guy, resulting in a fight with N.
But it seems like they want to change the roles a bit.
In the series, Jenny ends up having a crush on N.
On YT, N ends up having a crush on Little J.
They were spotted flirting with each other.
N even told her this:
Jenny, without you my life is no life.
without your beautiful smile.
without your personality as rebellious but charming
as we say in french "Tu est ma source de vie"
I am happy to have you in my life and I want to keep you.
That sounds like something you would say to a girlfriend or a wife, not a close friend.
But it seems that Little J may be falling for him too.
Spotted: Little J claiming that Nate was the one who convinced her to stay with his copy+pasted song he gave her.
She even moved N in front of her other BFF, Jake on her list.
My guess on what the song is? Probally"All My Loving" By: The Beatles.
And if I'm write on this song, then I have something else to say.
Remember when Nate had the account: NateArchibaldYT?
Well when he did, he had that exact same song on his description, saying it was for S.
Just thought I'd point that out.
And also, Jenny promised Serena that she would convince N to take her back.
Seems to me like she's just acting like a great friend to S, but really trying to make her path clear, without S's drama, for N.
Just like the in the show.
You Know You Love Me.
Gossip Girl

Undecided Fate

Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite.
Nate's back everyone.
And he has talked to S.
He says he needs to think, then he left, leaving our little S heart broken.
She went off crying to SS, Little J, and Paige.
All her friends gave her advice, those friends including SS, Little J, Paige, B, and Carter.
All of them basically stating that she should not give up, saying N is a good guy, and to have hope that he will take her back.
Right now, their fate is undecided. Not sure if they are on or off.
Everyone is wondering how it will all turn out.
You Know You Love Me.
Gossip Girl

Little J Humphrey

Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite.
As everyone knows, Jenny Humphrey went bye bye for a day!
She had no background, leaving her page black. No comments, nothing except a icon, a empty description and a title.
Leaving her BFF Sasha a complete and total mess.
Her reasons for leaving:
All her reason being guys, that doesn't surprise me. She is a whore, after all.
But she did have a baby, did she not?
She was spotted.
Spotted: Little J telling Sasha that the baby is dead, but telling Jacob that there was no baby at all.
Little J killed her own baby? So tragic.
You Know You Love Me.
Gossip Girl

Friday, July 23, 2010

Crush Crush

Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite. Looks like little S has been crushing.

Spotted: S and Damon kissing and saying their I Love You.

S, are you turnng into a little slut? I think so!

After countless flirting sessions with each other, they finally admitted their feelings for each other.

But what will B say about this?

She did love him, she may even still love him.

What will she say about her best friend and her old love, loving each other.

And more importantly, what will Nate say about this? He is Serena's boyfriend after all.

This sounds to much like the old love triangle of Serena/Nate/Blair.

The Best Friend Sleeping With The Boyfriend Is Old News.

Now It's The Best Friend Loving The Ex.

You Know You Love Me.


Gossip Girl

Diss Diss?

Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of youtube elite.
Anyone remember Vanessa Swan?
Well like I suspected, shes not over Dan Humphrey.
A couple days ago, she told Sasha that she would hurt everyone she loves.
And she was recently Spotted telling Dan she still wants him.
Get Over Him Nessa. He's Clearly Over You.
You Know You Love Me.
Gossip Girl.

Kiss Kiss

Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalou lives of Youtubes elite.
Looks like little SS is moving on.
Spotted: Sasha and Carter kissing.
Though, Carter has been kissing a couple of girls lately.
Sasha Cullen, Blair Waldorf, and Little J Humphrey!
But shes not the only one who seems to be moving on.
Our Lonely Boy was seems to be too.
Spotted: Dan and a new girl kissing.
This mystery girl name is Adrianna, and shes a new comer to Youtube.
That's All.
You Know You Love Me.
Gossip Girl

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite.
Dan telling Sasha he needs a break.

After finding out about being cheated on again, our not-so-lonely-boy Dan told Sasha he needed a break, to not focus on being on a relationship for a while.

So now, he will be only focusing on friends and work and his summer.

Lucky for him, he actually have okay friends including; B, S, Little J, and Paige; to help him get through the mess he's been going through.

That's All.

You Know You Love Me.


Gossip Girl

Bye Bye!

Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite. Theres a new single mom! She being Jenny Humphrey!

That's right! Tyson GreenWood has left her! He left Youtube a couple of days ago.

So congrats Jenny! Looks like you'll be caring for your child...without a father.

Though, now that Tyson is gone, and Jacob is back, she'll probally go running to him.

And lucky him, this time Tyson won't be here to get in his way.

You Know You Love Me.


Gossip Girl

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Crushing Gone Bad

Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite.

Spotted: Sasha telling Serena she has a crush on Carter.

Remember not to long ago when Sasha was stressing over the "Carter Thing"? Well that Carter thingwas that she had a crush on him.

And over time that crush only seemed to have gotten bigger.

Spotted: Carter kissing Sasha.

After Carter found out about this crush, he kissed her. On. The. Lips.
Wonder What Will Happen Next.
You Know You Love Me.
Gossip Girl

Wanting To Be Single Again?

Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite. Spotted: Blair Waldorf telling Serena van der Woodsen she's not over Damon, and that she is going to break up with Jacob.

Her reasons behind breaking up with Jacob?

He's a player.
He has 5 crushes.
She still loves Damon.
She doesn't think it's right to go out with someone else when you have feelings for someone else.

Spotted: Blair calling Damon a:

Heart Breaker

I never knew you are supposed to call the ones you love all of those harsh things.

You Know You Love Me.


Gossip Girl

Single Once Again

Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite. Once again, the angel Paige Marie Hale has gotten heart broken.

Her love Jacob left her and Youtube!

But lucky for her, she has some great friends who came to the rescue!

Two of them being the bestfriends Blair and Serena!

So all you single guys reading this, heads up, becuase Paige Hale is single.

That's All.

You Know You Love Me.


Gossip Girl

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I Do Or I Don't?

Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite.

Spotted: S asking SS for some advice on how she should respond to her marriage proposal.

That's right. Nate Archibald has asked for Serena's hand in marriage.

Her response: ...

Serena doesn't know how to respond. She says she "Loves Nate To Pieces" But she doesn't know if she's ready to get married.

Want To See Her Ring? It's On Her Profile Titled "My Ring" With A Link By It.

But If Your Too Lazy To Check Her Profile I'll Post The Link Here.

Serena's Engagement Ring:

Plus, she has admitted to Sasha that she still has a crush on somebody else, and that it's "pointless" because she knows her crush doesn't like her back.

Happen to not believe me? Well threes a picture below that says everything.

You Know You Love Me.
Gossip Girl

Another Pregnant Girl

Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite.Little J has finally got pregnant! I knew this day would come!

Who's the father? Tyson GreenWood of course!

Little J is giving up smoking and drinking and is moving in with Tyson.

One thing though: No telling Dan!

But you guys no me, I can't keep a secret.

You Know You Love Me.


Gossip Girl

Monday, July 12, 2010

Seven Deadly Sins

Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite.

Anyone Know About The Seven Deadly Sins?

Wrath - Meaning Anger, Or Rage. Someone Who Is Almost Always Mad Because Of Something. Someone Who Almost Never Gets What They Want.

Greed - A Sin Of Excess. Applied to Someone With A Desire Of Having More Wealth, Better Status, And More Power Than What They Already Have. To Always Want Something They Can't Have

Sloth - Defined As Spiritual. Someone Physically And Emotionally Inactive.

Pride - Someone Who Has The Desire To Be More Important Or Attractive Than Others.

Lust - Someone Who Has Excessive Thoughts Or Desires Of Sexual Nature. To Want To Be, Or Is Always, In A Relationship With Someone All Of The Time.

Envy - To Have An Insatiable Desire, Like Greed. Except The Person Feeling Envy, Would Resent That Another Person Has Something They Believe That, That Person Them Self Is Lacking.

Gluttony - The Over-Indulgence And Over-Consumption Of Anything To The Point Of Waste.

I Do. And I Realized That My Youtubers Remind Me Of Some Of Them. So I Have Decided To Give Each Of Them, One Of The Deadly Sin. Think Of It, As Some Sort Of Label.

Jenny Humphrey - Greed

Serena van der Woodsen - Greed

Blair Waldorf - Pride

Jacob Anderson - Lust

Tyson GreenWood - Greed

Paige Hale - Envy

Sasha Cullen - Envy

Dan Humphrey - Sloth

Nate Archibald - Envy

Carter Baizen - Pride

Chuck Bass - Wrath

Vanessa Swan - Envy

Lisa Cullen - Gluttony

Finn Hudson - Wrath

Jesse St. James - Lust

Rachel Berry - Greed

You Know You Love Me.
Gossip Girl


Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite.
Rachel Berry seems to have gotten herself into a tough situation.
As everyone knows, Rachel Berry and Finn Hudson are dating. But since Rachel is greedy, she might have ruined this relationship.
Turns out that Jesse St. James told Rachel that he loves her, and because she wanted to have both Finn and Jesse, she decided to make another account and go out with Jesse on that one in order to have them.
She thought she was clever and Finn would never find out.
She was wrong. He did find out, and they got into a huge fight over it.
She then deleted the other account, telling Jesse to get out of her life, but that doesn't resolve her problems with Finn. There relationship is now on the verge of ending and she's heartbroken.
So heartbroken that she says if he leaves her, she will resort into killing herself.
One thing to say to you Rachel: You Brought This On Yourself.
You Know You Love Me.
Gossip Girl

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Battle To The Death?

Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite.

Came One, Came All! To The Scandalous Fight! In One Corner, There Is The Vicious, Blonde Lena!!! In In One Corner, There Is The Innocent, Blonde Paige!!! Fight To The Death!

One by one people came to help Paige, when Lena, her enemy, was fighting her. First came Bella, then can Jacob (JacobBlacksChanel) then came Alice, then Tyson, then Isabella, then Emmett, and last came Jake(JakeBlacksChannell).

All of them hurting Lena, or threating her.

Which person lost and died? Lena did.

S looking down lately? Check her mood recently:

Mood: Mixed Emotions

What could this mean exactly?

And I'm Not The Only One Who Has Noticed This. Sasha and Jenny have too.

But She Won't Tell Why She Is So Upset.

Speaking of Jenny, anyone notice how she says shes crushing? Well she's back on crushing on the guy seh said she was over, Tyson Greenwood.

And Carter is finally over Blair, and was spotted telling Serena he wanted to change

And Blairs new beau Jake, has been crushing....a lot. 5 and a half crushes.

But I don't care much because these two won't last very long. In my opion, they'll last longer than all of Jenny's relationships, which means a week, but not as long as Sasha and Dan.

You Know You Love Me.


Gossip Girl

Monday, July 5, 2010


Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite.

Anyone been checking on B? Today, she met Jacob Black and today they said their "I Love You's". That's right, they are going out.

Sorry Carter, but B just broke your heart.

But wait, Paige is one of her best friends, and this Jacob Black, is Paige's ex-husband. And this very day he was telling everyone how he's not over Paige and that they said that they still love eah other last night.

B, what have you gotten yourself into?

As everyone already knows, Jenny shot Jacob and Tyson the other day. But they are not human, so they couldn't die just by one gun shot. But now they all seem to be on good terms again.

And Jacob is leaving NYC. He's visiting Brazil and may be moving to Washington DC.

And everyone is wondering: Why is he moving?

That's one secret, he's keeping to himself.

Looks like everyone been goofing around. Jenny and Sasha have been goofing around the most.
They even made up a new group of Villains and Superheroes with Serena's help.


Poison Ivy: SashaCGrace
Harley Quinn: BelleJennyHumphrey
The Joker: TysonGreenWood
CatWomen: MeganClearwater
Fat Dude With Glasses: TheChuckBassOfficial


BatGirl: SerenaVanDerWoodsens
SpiderMan: DanHumphreyNY
BatMan: AuthenticNate
Wonder Women: CorneliaBlairWaldorf
SuperMan: EricVDWOfficial

Saturday, July 3, 2010

This Just In

Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite.

Spotted: Dan Humphrey asking Sasha Cullen if he could be his.

What he said:

In your status you wrote that you are single and if someone wants to change it he can be your guest ... *takes a deep breath* Can I be your guest ?

And she said yes.


This Just In:
Wondering why Jacob and Jenny broke up this time? It's because Jacob told Jenny he is a father.
That's right, Jacob has a child. Oh, and it's a girl.
You Know You Love Me.
Gossip Girl

Break-Ups & Make-Ups

Gossp Girl here. Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Youtubes elite.

Looks like I was right. Jenny and Jacob didn't even last a week before Little J cheated on him, and they broke up.

Yup, Tyson has kissed Jenny, and she kissed him back. She now says that she does not think she could handle being in a relationship.

And so this couple is officially off agian.

Paige has bounced back. She is now going out with another Jacob. Turns out she has always loved him, and he has always loved her. Now they are a happy couple.

And remember when I wrote about Carter crushing on someone? It turns out that his crush was on Blair Waldorf.

You Know You Love Me.


Gossip Girl