Everyone knows about Jenny Humphrey. She dated Tyson and Jacob and she's friends with B, S, N, and C.
Well this girl has changed.
Before: Human girl
Now: Vampire girl, A Vamper.
So now, she's not a fang-banger, a vampire fucker, a vamp-lover anymore; she's a vampire.
Rumor has it that she will also be getiing married to Tyson when ever he gets on. She says that they'll probally be going to Vegas and get hitched.
Her special ability: Change the colouring of things.
But wait, if she is getting married, then why was she spotted kissing Jacob AGAIN?
Probally wanted one last make-out sesssion with him before they got married.
And everyone say bye to Little J, cause she's moving to Chicago with Tyson. So she's leaving the fabulous place called New York.
Ta Ta, Little J. But just cause your moving, doesn't mean you won't be blogged about on here anymore.
You Know You Love Me.
Gossip Girl
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