Everyone knows boys/girls come and go, but friends are forever. So in this post, I will be telling you which friends made it in the top 10 Record Book Friendships.
1) Blair & Serena
CorneliaBlairWaldorf & SerenaVanDerWoodsens
These Best Friends Forever Made The #1 Spot

2) Chuck & Nate
TheChuckBassOfficial & AuthenticNate
These two went on a rollar coaster ride with thier friendship, but they landed the #2 spot
3) Jacob & Jenny
xJacobAnderson1 & BelleJennyHumphrey
First Friends, The BFF's, Then GF & BF, Now Back To BFF's They Landed The #3 Spot.
First Friends, The BFF's, Then GF & BF, Now Back To BFF's They Landed The #3 Spot.
BelleJennyHumphrey & MeganClearwater
5) Serena & Jacob
SerenaVanDerWoodsens & xJacobAnderson1
6) Nate & Blair
AuthenticNate & CorneliaBlairWaldorf Then: BF & GF
Now: Good Friends
SerenaVanDerWoodsens & PaigeMarieHale
VictoriaHaleCullen & AuthenticNate
9) Dan & Paige
DanHumphreyNY & PaigeMarieHale
10) Paige & Jacob
PaigeMarieHale & xJacobAnderson1
These Youtubers may have crazy lives, but they have great friends to lean on. In a world ruled by bloodlines and bank accounts, it pays to have a pal. As much as a BFF can make you go WTF, there's no denying we'd all be a little rich without them. And Serena and Blair? They do best friends better than anyone.
You Know You Love Me.
Gossip Girl
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