source into the scandalous lives of YouTube's elite.
What's the difference between gossip and scandal? So glad you asked. Anyone can commit a minor indiscretion and generate a day's worth of buzz, but in order for gossip to birth a true scandal, it requires the right person to be in the wrong place. And for a scandal to really blow up, all it needs is an unexpected turn.
Spotted: Tyson stabbing Little J.
Yes, that's right. Tyson stabbed his ex with a knife. He apparently stabbed her, and tied her up to a chair in his basement, letting her bleed. Then he told her he loved her.
Ty, I don't think stabbing her and letting her bleed in your basement will make her want you back.

Spotted: Jacob and Serena painting.....each other.
These two friends were throwing balloons filled with paint at a canvas at first, then they ended up painting each other. The end product: Jacob with violet paint all over, with green arms, yellow pants, and a white face, and Serena with violet paint all over, with red splattered on her, and a blue face.
Then they decided to take pictures and send them to me. This friendship may be one for the record books, right behind S&B of course.

On to other news. The bitch is back! That's right, Georgina Sparks is back, and she sure came back with a bang. She has already kissed Dan Humphrey(DanHumphreyNY). But the thing is, he kissed her, she didn't kiss him. He's already forgotten about V.A. and V.S. and has moved on apparently. And keeping up with his man-whore reputation, Nate has already planted kiss on Georgina's lips. Let's check his list now shall we:
Vanessa Swan
Megan Clearwater
Jenny Humphrey
Victoria Hale Cullen
Georgina Sparks
Who will be next N?
You Know You Love Me.
Gossip Girl
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