Anyone been checking on B? Today, she met Jacob Black and today they said their "I Love You's". That's right, they are going out.
Sorry Carter, but B just broke your heart.
But wait, Paige is one of her best friends, and this Jacob Black, is Paige's ex-husband. And this very day he was telling everyone how he's not over Paige and that they said that they still love eah other last night.
B, what have you gotten yourself into?

As everyone already knows, Jenny shot Jacob and Tyson the other day. But they are not human, so they couldn't die just by one gun shot. But now they all seem to be on good terms again.
And Jacob is leaving NYC. He's visiting Brazil and may be moving to Washington DC.
And everyone is wondering: Why is he moving?
That's one secret, he's keeping to himself.

They even made up a new group of Villains and Superheroes with Serena's help.
Poison Ivy: SashaCGrace
Harley Quinn: BelleJennyHumphrey
The Joker: TysonGreenWood
CatWomen: MeganClearwater
Fat Dude With Glasses: TheChuckBassOfficial
BatGirl: SerenaVanDerWoodsens
SpiderMan: DanHumphreyNY
BatMan: AuthenticNate
Wonder Women: CorneliaBlairWaldorf
SuperMan: EricVDWOfficial
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