Now to take a trip down to Ohio. Here is where Noah "Puck" Puckerman, Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson, Santana Lopez, Kurt Hummel, Lexi Rodriguez, Quinn Fabray, and Brittany live.
In this blog post, I will be talking about Noah, Rachel, Santana, and Quinn.
If you didn't already know, Santana and Noah used to date, and seem to be current sexting partners. Noah also used to date Rachel as well. Well recently, Rachel and Noah started to date. Yes, the high maintenance Rachel and the slacker Noah went out again. Everyone loves their Puckleberry though. Everything seemed perfet right? Wrong.
Santana was enraged. To her, she hated that Noah was datiing her. Yes, she did break up with him, but that didn't mean he had to go out with Rachel.
She even left this on his page: HE'S MINE! -crosses my arms with an irritated expressionon my face-
Jealous much?
Santana didn't have to worry though, because Rachel deleted her account.
That didn't ruin Noah's mojo thoug. Apperently, he's now going after his baby's mama, Quinn. Quinn, the former Head Cheerio, Cheerios is her schools cheerleading squad's name, whos friends with Santana and Brittnay, also two Cheerios. Santana is even more enraged then before.
Now will Naoh score again with Quinn? Or will he realize that the person he really wants is Santana?
You Know You Love Me.
Gossip Girl
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